NDTMarketplace Press Release

ASNT’s product guide, NDTMarketplace, is a one-stop product guide for the NDT industry! NDTMarketplace is published twice a year and highlights instrumentation, equipment, and supplies used in the nondestructive testing field.

There is no cost to submit a press release in the publication, which receives a distribution of about 13,000 copies worldwide and is inserted into the May and December issues of ASNT’s monthly journal Materials Evaluation. NDTMarketplace will be promoted in the ASNT News E-newsletter, sent to an audience of approximately 20,000 individuals. As an added bonus, the digital version of NDTMarketplace is open access!

Submission Requirements

  • Highlights one product

  • 100 words (max length) and written in complete sentences (please do not include lists)

  • One high-resolution photo (300+ dpi at 2.5 inches square) must be included

  • Include the following (this appears below the product text and is not part of the word count):

    • Company name

    • Location

    • Email address for readers to contact

    • Website

Press releases with one high-resolution photo are due the FRIDAY before the advertising space reservation deadline for the issue (firm) and are included on a space-available, first-come-first-serve basis*. We also reserve the right to edit for length and publication style.

Submit all press releases to:

Phone: 800.222.2768 / 614-384-2476 ext. 206
Email: cmarkland@asnt.org

*Space is not guaranteed. The only way to guarantee placement in the NDTMarketplace is to reserve advertising space as noted here in the media planner.